It's okay because my life is pretty boring ha ha ha.
Since my last post I have GRADUATED! from apparently one of the "best" public schools in MA.

&& got all my top 3 favourite and lovely flowers from my boyfriend, best friend, and my brother!

Light pink roses from the BF, my absolute favourite

Amazing Concealer
So up until i got the NYX concealer pot, Amazing Concealer was my shit. Standing at $42 it works pretty damn good but it's veryyy thick. It does cover up all blemishes but makes you feel a little cakey. But whatever, it works.
NOW NYX CONCEALER POT? I love it even MORE. It does the same job as far as coverage goes. It's light. It's CHEAP ($5) It's perfect. Ha ha.
Pumpkin pie is a coral nude color~~
Lip glosses in Baby pink, cafe late, and natural pinky~ All super cute ^ ^

I also got the NYX green concealer stick ($5) It works just as good as the pot concealer but I think for the green it's more convenient to get the stick so I can just dab it on my blemishes and apply concealer over it ^ ^
Surprisingly good quality too for such a cheap price!
I really like these NYX products

Until next time darlings~ Peace ^.^ V &Take care