Honestly I never do anything too productive on my vactions anymore! I just stay around the house, go shopping, go online, watch TV. Pretty much just Relax.. But it feels so good to do nothing

John has had the past two days off also because he finished taking blood~ yay! But he is boring like me so we just cook and watch movies~ lol! When I was at twin's market I saw a flavor of hi-chew i never saw! So i had to get it... It was the last one too.. so maybe it's so good everyone buys it

I finally finished fixing my blog. So hopefully the comments are working now. I seem to have such bad luck with things! My youtube comments dont work, my blogger comments don't work. I also don't think my camera can be fixed. Less than a year old too

I agree! It feels great to do nothing. I LOOOOVE duck!!! AHHH yum!